Hi Everyone so sorry I have been away for so long. It was so close to being forever. I don't write about my personal life much but I am doing so now as a cautionary tale to all of you to watch and advocate for yourselves. I had a spiral fracture to my right leg in January and it was surgically repaired. No one in my family has had blood clot issues and the doctor did not feel it necessary to put me on any blood thinning drugs. Almost one month to the day of my surgery I started having shortness of breath and extreme fatigue after writing it off as a bad cold on Thursday evening I crawled into bed. Friday morning I woke up and could barely move, 2 steps, lie down, catch breath, 2 more steps. My sister rushed me to the ER. It turns out I have a saddle Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot) blocking both sides of my lungs at the top and putting pressure on the right side of my heart. I am one of the lucky ones, I almost died in ER but I did not thanks to quick thinking family and friends, the fatality rate for my type of PE is approximately 80%. I have now spend 10 days in the hospital and will spend another 6 to 8 months on drugs to thin my blood and help the clots dissolve. At the same time this condition can now cause my squeezed heart to develop problems.
My caution is this tale is that you need to advocate for yourself with the doctor. I should have pushed on the blood thinners for the surgery, I should have questioned more about clots. Anytime you see a doctor, make sure they know your entire family history and question question question.
The Most Important Thing I learned: My stitching friends are the greatest friends in the world. Special thanks to Amy, Vonna, Christina, Robin, Brenda and Vicki, for all the love, support, prayers and kindness in the world. Without all of you and I am sure I wouldn't be here :)...
Anyway off my soap box. I hope to get out of the hospital today and quit being quite the human pincushion and start stitching. See you all around :)......Watch for some stitching to appear here again very soon.