I have been working on the border for my Halloween RR that everyone else has done their part on and is now home. Wow, I didn't realize I had made so much border, LOL.
Yes I have finished it. This Weekend I will be looking for a frame for it and a couple other finishes. Then I am going to work on finishing up my Halloween RR and some halloween pieces I need to do for exchanges. In fact I declare it Halloween Stitching Month, LOL..
This weekend I worked on Lizzie Kates ABC Lessons and I hope to get it completely finished this week :). It is stitched on PTP Crystal Chimes, a very pretty off white or cream colored opalescent fabric.
I did actually get some stitching done last week and over the long weekend. Also decided that I really only liked the center part of Sleepy Hollow and didn't want the sides, LOL. So I moved the moon over to the center and am calling it done. It was just going to be too big the other way and I really was only interested in the center of the design. So I am saying it is finished now and need to frame it.
I also worked on my HAED piece QS Dark Cherry, I am now up to almost 4800 stitches done. Gee, only about 28,000 to go, LOL.. But I do like the colors and am finally getting to work on her and not moon and background.
I also have been able to get some stitches into the Lizzie Kate ABC lessons while the kids have been napping during the day. This one is a fairly easy and quick stitch :)....Well have a GREAT DAY and get lots of stitching done.