A little more got done this last weekend and I just finally got a picture taken.
November 3, 2010
October 25, 2010
WooHoo finished
Here it is:
Magic Dragon by Joan Elliot (freebie from Charles Craft)
on 28ct Opalescent Lugana
And here is what I started on:
Jardin d'Jour from Needlemania
on 28ct Goldspinner Lugana from silkweaver
October 20, 2010
Ribbon done on dragon
just the cloud and some stars left and the saying but that is no big deal!!!!! I hope to have it done by the weekend and start something new...ummm what next. So many dragons, fairies and designs and so little time...
A nonstitch post
A little reminder to everyone with children and for yourselves, make sure to lather up with sunscreen and keep fair skin covered in the sun even in the fall months when in prolonged sun. Unfortunately I was sunburned rather badly several times when I was a child. Well, I got the word on a biopsy yesterday that I have basal cell carcinoma, and as I was never a sun worshipper as a teen and in my later life the doctor says it all could have begun with those burns as a kid. So take care of your skin and that of your children. :)..
And stitch like crazy, LOL..
And stitch like crazy, LOL..
October 18, 2010
Magic Dragon
I have my fingers crossed I can finish this this week. Going to really try. I have another cloud and about 5 more stars to make, a few squiggles and the words Make a Wish to put on it. Although I I am thinking about some wording changes. Well here she is so far.
Everyone have a Good Week.
Everyone have a Good Week.
October 6, 2010
Magic progress
A little more done on my Magic Dragon, the design was a freebie from Charles Craft with their Gold Dust Sparkle fabric. I am done with the wings now, so it is on to the clouds and the tail.
September 27, 2010
Well after almost a month
of nonstitching I finally got my mojo back. I spent a good part of the weekend working on my Magic Dragon and playing in my cross stitch stash, so I am back into the stitching mood. Now I just have to get in the blogging mood, LOL.. Here is where I am on Magic Dragon.
September 8, 2010
None stitching related
August 31, 2010
Magic Dragon as of now
Well I do have a little more done on my dragon. I am currently trying to figure out where to go next on it since I am missing part of the key, hopefully I will here from Charles Craft soon and will know.. Here is a picture as of now.
August 30, 2010
No I have not disappeared,
someday I will be back on track. Well actually I stitched yesterday for the first time in weeks and it felt good. Instead of spring cleaning we do fall coming cleaning. And it has been crazy. Will post current pictures of Magic Dragon Soon... My puppies ate the bottom of the chart with the symbols and I have to figure out what some of the threads were, wish me luck.
Also finally posted the new ornament exchange for Halloween on ASOE.
Well off to work, grumpy 1 year old here today.. Have a GREAT WEEK.
Also finally posted the new ornament exchange for Halloween on ASOE.
Well off to work, grumpy 1 year old here today.. Have a GREAT WEEK.
August 2, 2010
I am back to stitching. I just ran into a big stop about three weeks ago. I didn't want to stitch anything. I decided to break my rut I had to just put all that I was working on up for awhile and go a new direction for awhile. I got out some of my want to start dragon projects and started one, Make a Wish (Magic Dragon) freebie from Charles Craft and I am starting to get my mojo back. I didn't get too far but here is where I am now
I picked out and kitted 4 more of my dragon pictures so we shall see what happens :)..
Have a Stitchy Week

Have a Stitchy Week
June 21, 2010
Cat Lessons for People Finished
June 17, 2010
Cat Lessons for People
June 8, 2010
An Ornie i made
June 6, 2010
Woohoo A Finish
I finished Sweet Treats which I started a few years ago. It is by Country Cottage Needleworks in Crescent Colors.. Sorry not the best picture had to use the phone, our camera is on vacation. And here it is.

May 24, 2010
Okay, I don't have any pictures
of stitching to show you today, but I thought I would post a few pictures of some of the flowers in our gardens..

Peonies and Irises. Flowers seen most in Illinois I think, LOL..

May 17, 2010
I spent last week stitching
on some ornies and getting them finished and sent. One to the UK and one to South Africa. I am sorry the pictures are so terrible, but I took them with my phone and I am just not good at using it, LOL.. They really are much prettier than the picture shows. Now it is back to my Inspiration piece.

April 26, 2010
I made good progress
This weekend I got another section done and started section 10 of Inspiration. I would really like to finish this one by midsummer. We shall see, LOL. I am getting to see the town section of the piece now. I have made a few changes but not too many :).. Here is my current place. I will have to stop this week and finish up some ornaments for an exchange.

April 23, 2010
Some more progress
April 19, 2010
Some more Inspiration and a few friends
Okay, I actually am up to section 9 on Inspiration. I have decided to work on it till I finish it. I have to do a couple ornies this next week, but other than that it is Inspiration time.
Here is where I am now.
Here is where I am now.

Vonna said I needed to add pics of the kitties. We have a total zoo here, but man do we have fun.

DC (9 year old black male)

Nala 1 year old red

Callie (Calypso - 11 month old - Tortoiseshell)

(Mysty - 2 year old Maine Coon)
All of our cats are rescue cats and we are real suckers for a sad story. All were emaciated, some were ill and others were socially awkward, but now they get along really well. We have rehabilitated pretty much all of them. The Maine Coon Mysty is still a little socially awkward but she gets better everyday. She started out staying in a closet in a drawer the first two weeks now she lets everyone touch her and wanders around the house. Great progress I think for three months. Plus she has put on about 5 lbs. You could count every rib on her body when we got her and she weighed only 5 lbs.
April 14, 2010
Our Babies
I know this is a nonstitching post, but I have to show off our 12 week old babies. They are a lot of work, but are such a joy to have around and so fun.
and this is their brother, Artie. He has grey socks on his feet, LOL..

This is dad Reggie.(above)

This is our little girl. Her name is Annie.. (above)

The little guy facing us is Beau (the one eating dirt is Annie, LOL)

They are all Shih Tzus and way too cute, LOL. We hadn't planned on this many to start with but you know how things go and they certainly don't lack for attention in our house. Although Mr. Reggie is very stubborn.
April 8, 2010
Wow- No I didn't disappear
we have just been so crazy here at home. We have welcomed some puppies into our home and the kids have had a million things going on and, I know not an excuse. I promise to keep up more regularly.
Yes I have actually gotten a little cross stitch done these days. I have been working on Rosewood Manor's Inspiration. I am up to section 7 and here is what it looks like now. I really love this design.

I also started on Cat Lessons by Lizzie Kate the other night. Only gotten a little way on it. Please forgive the not so great pictures

February 15, 2010
Long Time no post and My first Finish 2010
Sorry, been hectic here and haven't done much stitching but this weekend I made up for it.
I finished up my AMAP Victorias Sampler. The picture is not very good and I haven't iron it yet. Too much light faded the colors at the bottom of the picture it is much brighter, I will need to take another after it is ironed, lol..but I am so excited it is done. I used lots of different colors for it and kinda made it up as I went along. I had picked out basic colors and it was just a matter of figuring out when to use them. I am happy with how it came out.

I also got more stitches into my HAED Impossible love, I am now up to 1600 stitches done.

oh and we have a new friend. Please meet Reggie our new puppy, he is a one year old Shih Tzu and the biggest baby you have ever seen.
He and Esme the cat have sorta made friends (sometimes) lol..

Well Talk to Everyone more later!!! And I will try to keep up better.
January 12, 2010
A Little more progress
on Impossible Love. 1200 stitches down only 175,000 to go,.
We also added a couple new family members from catsnap this last month. They were both abandoned in horrible circumstances, extremely thin and in need of somewhere to go quickly.

We also lost a four legged family member last week, to old age and cancer, our 14 year old black lab Shadow. We had him since he was 1. He is missed, but we had a great run together!!

First is Mysty who is a painflly thin two year old Maine Coon, she is extremely shySecond is Esmeralda Weatherwax, aka Esme. She was abandoned, very skinny and a little wild. She is extremely curious but she is settling in nicely. She is 6 month old dilute tortoiseshell.

Everyone have a Terrific DAY!!!
January 4, 2010
A New Year and a New Project
I try to start a new project at the first of each year. This year it is Impossible Love by Selina Fenech and Heaven and Earth Designs.
Okay, so page one got gridded and I got just a tiny bit of stitching on it, but it is started. This is one of the first HAED I ever got but have always been timid about starting it, but here we go. This is my year of fantasy pieces. I went through my stash and pulled out quite a few, LOL. Yeah, like they will get done, but I can certainly put a dent in them.

Okay, so page one got gridded and I got just a tiny bit of stitching on it, but it is started. This is one of the first HAED I ever got but have always been timid about starting it, but here we go. This is my year of fantasy pieces. I went through my stash and pulled out quite a few, LOL. Yeah, like they will get done, but I can certainly put a dent in them.
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