Sorry, been hectic here and haven't done much stitching but this weekend I made up for it.
I finished up my AMAP Victorias Sampler. The picture is not very good and I haven't iron it yet. Too much light faded the colors at the bottom of the picture it is much brighter, I will need to take another after it is ironed, lol..but I am so excited it is done. I used lots of different colors for it and kinda made it up as I went along. I had picked out basic colors and it was just a matter of figuring out when to use them. I am happy with how it came out.

I also got more stitches into my HAED Impossible love, I am now up to 1600 stitches done.

oh and we have a new friend. Please meet Reggie our new puppy, he is a one year old Shih Tzu and the biggest baby you have ever seen.
He and Esme the cat have sorta made friends (sometimes) lol..

Well Talk to Everyone more later!!! And I will try to keep up better.