February 28, 2007
My Round Robin has Returned

Stitching Goals for March
March 2007 Goals
1. Holiday Ornament - Christmas at Bunnyip Billabong
2. Blackwork Sal - March (start 3/5)
3. Flip Flop Ornament from Cricket Collection - Always Summer Palm tree with Robin (march 15)
4. Stitch on Egypt Garden at least 1 weekend.
5. Stitch on Midi Mystery at least 1 week of evenings.
6. 1 square on my seasonal RR to finish it..
7 1 square on Runekeeper..
8. Start and finish model for Tanya. (finished 1 3/18/07)
9. Try to keep up with posting my SAL amounts!!
February 27, 2007
A Quick Finish

February 25, 2007
Seasonal Dragons RR

The Kiss - A little more done

February 23, 2007
Dragon Dreams Runekeeper
So here is where the piece is at right now:
February 22, 2007
February Hearts Exchange

Runekeeper progress

February 21, 2007
Dragon Dreams Rune Keeper
Dragon Dreams RuneKeeper
stitched on 28ct Silkweaver Tutti Fruitti Lugana
February 19, 2007
The Kiss

February Hearts Exchange
Halloween Gameboard SAL
SMO Blackwork SAL
SanMan Originals January Blackwork
SanMan February Blackwork
Just Nan Girls Night Out

2007 Ornament Plan

I plan to finish out the ornaments by October with fabric backing and fiberfill, with ribbons for the hangers..
I also have a 7 foot silk tree that is where the holiday tree goes, that is there the rest of the year. I plan to decorate this tree for seasons or holidays. I want to make the really cute flip flop designs from the Cricket Collection called Always Summer I, II, III. These are approximately 2 1/2 x 4 size flip flops that are cross stitched and then mounted on craft foam (for the soles) and hung by a ribbon. They have cute designs and buttons holding the strap at the center. That will be my summer designs. Then I will also try to find Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc designs to put up along with lights for each season. The kids love that stuff.. I would also like to finish at least one of these each month starting in March..
February Goals
1. February blackwork sal (done)
2. Hearts exchange (done)
3. Have Halloween gameboard all caught up with SAL (done)
4. 1000 Stitches in The Kiss
5. Finish at least one square of unfinished RR
6. Stitch ornament for daycare trees (I think snow bonnets) (done)
I'll add pictures in the next few days...
Starting Out
Okay, I've decided to start a stitching blog. It will probably be boring to most people but it will maybe keep me on stitching track. I am an adminstrator of the ezboard Needle Nook (http://p211.ezboard.com/btheneedlenook). We have declared this the year of the WIP. I hope to get 3 or 4 of my WIPs done. I haven't been very good yet this year. I have gotten some work done on the Kiss but I need to really get to work on it. This year I'd like to finish the Kiss, Chatelaine Egypt Garden of the Nile, The Wizard by Design Works and Celtic Spring. There are a ton I want to start. I guess my plan is not to have fewer WIPS but to get some of the older ones done!!
Here is my list:
1. Spring Valley - Purple Heart
2. Egypt Garden - Chatelaine
3. Midi Mystery 1 - Chatelaine
4. The Heir - Pangea (Dimple Designs)
5. The Kiss (Phantom conversion) - Mirabilia
6. Tanya's Halloween Gameboard
7. Fortunate Traveler - Teresa Wentzler
8. Lucien , Wizard of Fire - Black Swan1
9. The Wizard(Merlin Clown) - Design Works
10. Dragon Witch - Purple Heart
11. RuneKeeper (RR to finish) - Dragon Dreams.
12. Storykeeper, Story Keep - HAED
13. Celtic Spring - L&L
I know it's a big list.