August 17, 2009

Weekend Stitching

Well I did get some done, not as much as I would like, but some.

I finished up Vicki's Birthday Present on time. Happy Birthday Vicki! It is LHN Roses on Impie, Hattie and Bea rose pocket. (and the pink trim is not that pink, more of a mauve)
and got some HAED Stitching worked on too. This is where I am with Dark Cherry. Since I had to start her over again I am much happier with over 2 stitching on 40ct than I was with over one on 28. I know she won't be quite as defined but my stitching is much neater and much easier for me.


Kim B said...

Beautiful gift! The finishing is lovely! And I think your HAED is amazing.

Deb said...

That is such a sweet gift and I'm sure it's going to be happily received. Love your HAED progress and hearing that you're using a different fabric from what they usually call for. I have a few HAED's but haven't started one soon and wondered how they would look on a different count fabric. I'll be watching your progress!!

Daffycat said...

I am not fond of over one stitches always look kind of messy but I'll do it when pressed. Your stitching is lovely! How big will your HAED be stitching it on the 40 count?

Brigitte said...

What a nice gift you made. It looks really great.
I think I'll also stitch my HAED (when I start it) on a 40ct fabric. I'm not a fan of over one stitching either and thinking of a complete piece stitched over one would turn me down.

Terry said...

The size should be around 9x11

Michele said...

very pretty birthday gift! I'm sure she'll love it! Great work on your HAED

Carolyn NC said...

Both look great!