May 23, 2011

Frogs, Frogs and More frogs

Every have one of those stitching weekends.  I figured out I had added one too many stitches to my dark blue section of the skirt on Morning Fae, so I tore the whole thing out.  Then after completely restitching, and I though counting carefully, figured out I skipped a stitch.  So once again tore everything out, ugh.  Third time a charm and it is stitched and that blue section is competely stitched including PTB, thank goodness.  So while it doesn't look like I made much progress I certainly did a lot of stitching this weekend, LOL.


Christina said...

Oh, I hate when that happens. Glad the frog finally went away. You are doing an excellent job on her.

Kathy A. said...

I am so sorry that the frogs decided to take up residence at your home this weekend.
You have done a great amount of restitching and she is looking gorgeous.

Karen said...

She is pretty....nothing like stitching something 2 or 3 times.

Hope the frog is gone for good!

Deb said...

She looks beautiful, but how awful that you had to frog out a couple times! I hope that the frogs don't come to visit again.

demeter83 said...

Damn those evil frogs, but she does look gorgeous if it makes you feel any better!